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Here is my problem, I know that if when the coordinates and angles are polar I can use:

x1 = d*Cos(45) + x0

y1 = d*Sin(45) + y0

But what if my coordinate system works like this? Up/North positive on the Y axis is always zero degrees with 90 degrees being positive on the x axis, all angles are taken clockwise relative from zero (up/north)


1 Answers


Your coordinate system zero angle differs by Pi/2 and goes in another direction. So

Fi = Pi/2 - Alpha

Where Alpha is angle in usual coordinate system, Fi - in your system.

x1 = d*Cos(Pi/2 - Alpha) + x0 = d*Sin(Fi) + x0
y1 = d*Sin(Pi/2 - Alpha) + y0 = d*Cos(Fi) + y0