
I'm trying to use this technique

CSS 100% height layout

to fill page height 100%

Ultimately it fails because DOM has custom tags that won't honor height tag



<div style="height:100%">
  ok here
  <div style="height:100%">
    <!-- WORKS: takes full browser height -->


<div style="height:100%">
  ok here
  <my-tag style="height:100%">
    <!-- BROKEN : takes minimal browser height -->

I tried using

<polymer-element name="my-tag" extends="div">

but then page silently doesn't render anything.

Fwiw, "doesn't render anything" is actually the infamous "0-height" problem. Your element is rendered, but as Eric explains below it has wrong display characteristics. You should be able to see in inspector that it has a computed height of 0px. This doesn't really have anything to do with web components, you can always make up tag names (e.g. <squid>Ink!</squid>) and those have always defaulted to inline: block (they are instances of HTMLUnknownElement).Scott Miles

1 Answers


By default, custom elements are display: inline. This means height:100% won't work unless you make the element block level:

:host {
  display: block;
  height: 100%;

The other issue is your declaration. When you use extends to extend another element, this is called a type extension custom element. Instead of declaring <my-tag>, it needs to be declared using is="":

<div is="my-tag"></div>

Demo: http://jsbin.com/bohumisa/1/edit