I Have two usb->serial adapters, both ftdi, lets name them ftdiA, and ftdiB. The device (in this case raspberry pi but it is kind of irrelevant) has 2 USB ports, let's name them 'top' and 'bottom'.
Is there a way to create udev rule so, that no matter which adapter is used in top port it gets name for example /dev/ttyUSBTop
I would like to name them based on the port where they were plugged in. Even if there is a ftdiC adapter plugged in top port its name should be /dev/ttyUSBTop
Is it possible for xxxxA device that is not ftdi, but moschip, pl2013, or some other manufacturer that also creates /dev/ttyUSBX device, to get the same name based on connection -> /dev/ttuUSBTop or /dev/ttyUSBBottom?
I cant find similar request, all point to opposite requirement, they all want /dev/ttyUSBftdiA no matter where it is plugged in.