
I am trying to import a large .sql data file using phpMyAdmin in XAMPP. However this is taking a lot of time and I keep getting:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\dbi\DBIMysqli.class.php on line 285

And the file is about 1.2 million lines long.

The file is about 30MB big, so it is not that big. I don't really understand why it is taking so long.

; Resource Limits ;

; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
; http://php.net/max-execution-time
; Note: This directive is hardcoded to 0 for the CLI SAPI

; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data. It's a good
; idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate unexpectedly
; long running scripts.
; Note: This directive is hardcoded to -1 for the CLI SAPI
; Default Value: -1 (Unlimited)
; Development Value: 60 (60 seconds)
; Production Value: 60 (60 seconds)
; http://php.net/max-input-time

; Maximum input variable nesting level
; http://php.net/max-input-nesting-level
;max_input_nesting_level = 64

; How many GET/POST/COOKIE input variables may be accepted
; max_input_vars = 1000

; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
; http://php.net/memory-limit

The is the config file for php.ini in xampp, for some reason i still get

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\dbi\DBIMysqli.class.php on line 285.

Increase the time limit. Check your server configuration. 300 is already pretty high. Default is 30.Halcyon
Yeah but with 300 i can only get to line 285 out of the 1.2 million. Although the file is about 30MB, i don't really understand why it is taking so long.EssexPN
That is not the line number of your sql file, but your php.mark.sagikazar
Scripts run from the commandline rather than via a web service don't have a maximum execution time limit by default. A script that's processing millions of datapoints shouldn't really be run in the context of a web server so I'd strongly advise you to refactor your script to run from the commandline insteadGordonM

15 Answers


There's a configuration variable within the phpMyAdmin directory that you can find in libraries\config.default.php called $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] that you can set to whatever maximum execution time you need.


Well, to get rid of this you need to set phpMyadmin variable to either 0 that is unlimited or whichever value in seconds you find suitable for your needs. Or you could always use CLI(command line interface) to not even get such errors(For which you would like to take a look at this link.

Now about the error here, first on the safe side make sure you have set PHP parameters properly so that you can upload large files and can use maximum execution time from that end. If not, go ahead and set below three parameters from php.ini file,

  1. max_execution_time=3000000 (Set this as per your req)
  2. post_max_size=4096M
  3. upload_max_filesize=4096M

Once that's done get back to finding phpMyadmin config file named something like "config.default.php". On XAMPP you will find it under "C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries" folder. Open the file called config.default.php and set :

$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 0;

Once set, restart your MySQL and Apache and go import your database.

Enjoy... :)


You're trying to import a huge dataset via a web interface.

By default PHP scripts run in the context of a web server have a maximum execution time limit because you don't want a single errant PHP script tying up the entire server and causing a denial of service.

For that reason your import is failing. PHPMyAdmin is a web application and is hitting the limit imposed by PHP.

You could try raising the limit but that limit exists for a good reason so that's not advisable. Running a script that is going to take a very long time to execute in a web server is a very bad idea.

PHPMyAdmin isn't really intended for heavy duty jobs like this, it's meant for day to day housekeeping tasks and troubleshooting.

Your best option is to use the proper tools for the job, such as the mysql commandline tools. Assuming your file is an SQL dump then you can try running the following from the commandline:

mysql -u(your user name here) -p(your password here) -h(your sql server name here) (db name here) < /path/to/your/sql/dump.sql

Or if you aren't comfortable with commandline tools then something like SQLYog (for Windows), Sequel Pro (for Mac), etc may be more suitable for running an import job


Set Only 3 Parameters from php.ini file of your server

A. max_execution_time = 3000000 (Set as per your requirment)
B. post_max_size = 4096M
C. upload_max_filesize = 4096M

Edit C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php Page

$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 0;

After all set, restart your server and import again your database.



This worked for me. If you got Maximum execution time 300 exceeded in DBIMysqli.class.php file. Open the following file in text editor C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php then search the following line of code:

$cfg[‘ExecTimeLimit’] = 300;

and change value 300 to 900.



Simply set $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 0; In xampp/phpMyAdmin/libraries/config.default.php.

Maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit).

And make this below changes in php.ini file as per file size.

post_max_size = 600M 
upload_max_filesize = 500M 
max_execution_time = 5000 
max_input_time = 5000 
memory_limit = 600M

But make sure 'post_max_size' and 'memory_limit' should be more than upload_max_filesize.

**Note - Don't forget to restart your server.


Is it a .sql file or is it compressed (.zip, .gz, etc)? Compressed formats sometimes require more PHP resources so you could try uncompressing it before uploading.

However, there are other methods you can try also. If you have command-line access, just upload the file and import with the command line client mysql (once at the mysql> prompt, use databasename; then source file.sql).

Otherwise you can use the phpMyAdmin "UploadDir" feature to put the file on the server and have it appear within phpMyAdmin without having to also upload it from your local machine.

This link has information on using UploadDir and this one has some more tips and methods.


you must change php_admin_value max_execution_time in your Alias config (\XAMPP\alias\phpmyadmin.conf)

answer is here: WAMPServer phpMyadmin Maximum execution time of 360 seconds exceeded


After trying many things with no success, I've managed to get SSH access to the server, and import my 80Mb database with a command line, instead of phpMyAdmin. Here is the command:

mysql -u root -p -D mydatabase -o < mydatabase.sql

It's much easier to import big databases, if you are running xammp on windows, the path for mysql.exe is C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe


1-make a search in your local drive and type "php.ini" 2-you may see many files named php.ini you should choose the one that fits with your php version (see localhost) 3-open the php.ini file make a search on "max_execution_time" then make it equal to "-1" to make it unlimited

  1. Never change original config.default.php file.
  2. Changing general executing time in php.ini has no effect on phpmyadmin scripts.
  3. Use a new config.inc.php or the config.sample.inc.php provided in the /phpMyAdmin folder instead.
  4. You can set $cfg[‘ExecTimeLimit’] = 0; means endless execution in the config.inc.php as recommended above. Be aware this is not a "normal" ini file. Its a php script, so you need a open <?php at the beginning of that file.
  5. But most important: Do not use this procedure at all! phpmyadmin is okay for small database but not for huge databases with several MB or GB.

You have other tools on a server to handle the import.

a) If you have a server admin system like Plesk, use there database import tool.

b) use ssh commands to make database dump or to write databases directly in mysql via ssh. Commands below.

Create a database dump:

mysqldump DBname --add-drop-table -h DBhostname -u DBusername -pPASSWORD > databasefile.sql

Write a database to mysql:

mysql -h rdbms -u DBusername -pPASSWORD DBname < databasefile.sql

Best solution for this error when i tried some points. Follow this steps to solve this issue:

  1. locate the file [XAMPP Installation Directory]\php\php.ini (e.g. C:\xampp\php\php.ini)
  2. open php.ini in Notepad or any Text editor
  3. locate the line containing max_execution_time and
  4. increase the value from 30 to some larger number (e.g. set: max_execution_time = 90)
  5. then restart Apache web server from the XAMPP control panel

If you are using the laragon and your database is phpMyAdmin the process is the same for tackle this error.

Open laragon right-click on it and open php.ini file

enter image description here

set these value accordingly to your needs

  • max_execution_time
  • post_max_size
  • upload_max_filesize

Open new file config.default.php

path is C:\laragon\etc\apps\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php

  • and set the value of this $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 0;

Restart the laragon.

I hope it would solve your problem for laragon environment 🙏 #Happy Coding :)


You can increase the limit:

ini_set('max_execution_time', 3000);

(Note that this script can cause high memory usage as well, so you probably have to increase that as well)

Other possible solution: Chunk your sql file, and process it as parts. I assume, it is not one big SQL query, is it?

Update: As @Isaac pointed out, this is about PHPMyAdmin. In this case set max_execution_timeout in php.ini. (The location depends on your environment)


The following might help you:

ini_set('max_execution_time', 100000);

And in your mysql - max_allowed_packet=100M in some cases where queries are too long sql also produce and error "MySQL server has gone away";

Change the values to whatever you need.