I am having a problem accessing my the Application Center management console. I have installed it as part of IBM Worklight
When I visit http://<hostname>:port/appcenterconsole/console.html
, I am able to access it using demo/demo
If I do this from inside the firewalls, everything is working as expected. When I try to access the same from outside the firewall, I experience some problems. The logging appears to be fine at first, but when I get to the page it says unknown user
in the upper right corner. Also, at the top where the applications are supposed to be listed, I see a red box saying Application Center Server is not reachable
The same happens with http://:/appcenterconsole/installers.html - I see an empty list, with an error saying Can't get the installer list
I do figure that this probably is firewall related, but I am not able to find out what needs to be opened, that is not open now.
Any pointers in the right direction is appreciated.