
I have web app which uses WIF/ADFS claim fo ruathentication, i have set up one adfs and AD for that.

Now my need is i want to redirect and levarage client specific ADFS & AD for authentication.

App->Local ADFS->Client-1 ADFS->client -1 AD

App->Local ADFS->Client-2 ADFS->client -2 AD

so i want to do configuration for that client specific redirection in my Local ADFS, is it possible?


1 Answers


If I understand correctly you'll have an ADFS Federation Provider (FP) Issuer in your organization and your clients will have an ADFS (or other) Identity Provider (IdP) Issuer on their side.

To do this you would setup 2 Claims Provider Trusts (CPT) in your ADFS, one for Client1 and another for Client2. When you start the new CPT wizard, you may be able to configure these using metadata provided by your clients ADFS (e.g. https://fs.client1.com/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml). Your clients will then also need to configure your organization as a Relying Party Trust (RPT) in their ADFS. If your metadata is available to them via a URL, they should be able to use the new RPT wizard in ADFS and configure their RPT for your organization with something like https://fs.myorg.com/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml. Then, claims rules should be configured in these RPT's at your clients for claims to send to your organization and your CPT's for your clients should be configured to process the received claims from the clients.