I'm writing a simple app in which i want to try Alloy data binding,
I have a model Region all set, I create a singleton by adding it in the markup
<Collection id="regions" src="Region" instance="true"/>
<Window id="regionWin">
<TableView id="table" dataCollection="Region">
<TableViewRow title="{regionName}" />
using the model in the controller just works fine
var c = Alloy.createCollection('Region');
var aRegion = Alloy.createModel('Region', { '_id':'123', 'regionName':'Lazio', 'version': 43});
but in the XML nor giving the id 'regions' or the collection name 'Region' as value to the TableView attribute 'dataCollection' i got results.
the error is always
Can't find variable: Region at RegionScreen.js (line 34) or Can't find variable: regions at RegionScreen.js (line 34)
any suggestions?