
I've recently updated VS2013 to Update 1 and since then VS takes CPU usage to 25% (on a 4 cores intel i5 cpu) permanently even though it's supposed to be idle. I thought it has some unfinished background processes so I left it running for a while but it keeps using the cpu when it's supposed to be idle.

Are you getting a similar behaviour after updating?

Edit 1: I'm using git and python tools for vs, so there might be some conflicts after Update 1.

Edit 2: The git integration in VS2013 is buggy. I ran a profiler on devenv.exe and git2-msvstfs.dll takes most of cpu usage although it should be idle. I sent a failure notice to MS. If you have the same problem please vote for this: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/844616/vs2013-update-1-cpu-usage-not-normal

enter image description here

Edit 3: Update 2 has been recently released. This bug was fixed in VS2013 Update 2.

Edit 4: Updates 3 & 4 were released and CPU usage goes crazy due to multiple causes (not only git dll module). Disabling Browser Link as in one of the below answers seems to fix the problem.


6 Answers


For me (VS 2013 update 4) the solution was to disable Browser Link as specified here:


enter image description here

The CPU slowed down right away from 25 % to 1 %.


Edit 2: Possible bug regression in Updates 3 & 4.

Edit 1: The bug was fixed in VS2013 Update 2.

One can disable git plug-in from Visual Studio 2013 in this way:


Source Control: set Current source control plug-in to None

Use other git clients to manage your repositories.


We fixed it by opening the VS in SafeMode. Add / SafeMode to the initiator.


In my case, it was the inclusion of References to the solution that caused the high CPU usage. The project was an IronPython package that also used some DLLs. Adding the DLLs to the References was fine. The first time that a DLL was opened in the Object Browser then CPU hit 25% (1 core) and stayed there. Deleting all the References returned the CPU to normal again.

Yet Another Solution: Delete any objects under the project References.

(VS2013, Update 5, with Python Tools 2.2)


In my case, I normally run several copies of Visual Studio at the same time. I've found, if I start the 2nd (or 3rd) copy of Visual Studio BEFORE the 1st (or 2nd) copy has completely loaded and settled down, I get a DEVENV stuck at 100% CPU no matter what I do after that. I have to close all copies, and open again.

I hope this helps someone, it was driving me nuts.



Had a similar problem with vs2015 - deleting the .suo solution file fixed it for me so far.