I want to handle POST of the following API-Call:
Additional Parameter are coming from the Post-Body.
This all works fine for me. Now I wnat to extend my code by allowing "deviceid" and/or "appid" and/or BodyData to be null:
These 3 URLs should responded by the same route.
My first approach (BodyData required):
[Route("v1/location/{deviceid}/{appid}", Name = "AddNewLocation")]
public location_fromuser Post(string deviceid = null, string appid = null, [FromBody] location_fromuser BodyData)
return repository.AddNewLocation(deviceid, appid, BodyData);
This does not work and returns a compile error:
"optional Parameters must be at the end"
Next try:
[Route("v1/location/{deviceid}/{appid}", Name = "AddNewLocation")]
public location_fromuser Post([FromBody] location_fromuser BodyData, string deviceid = null, string appid = null)
Now my function AddNewLocation() get always an BodyData=null
- even if the call send the Body.
Finally I set all 3 Parameter optional:
[Route("v1/location/{deviceid}/{appid}", Name = "AddNewLocation")]
public location_fromuser Post(string deviceid = null, string appid = null, [FromBody location_fromuser BodyData = null)
DonĀ“t work:
Optional parameter
is not supported byFormatterParameterBinding
Why do I want a solution with optional Parameters? My Controller handles just the "adding of a new Location" via a POST.
I want to send on wrong data my own exceptions or error messages. Even if the call has missing values. In this case I want to be able to decide to throw an exception or Setting Defaults by my code.