I am trying to move an old Wordpress install to Openshift.
So I setup two gears, one running MySQL (Gear #1) and the other is setup to be a scalable PHP5 gear (Gear #2). I have manually restored the database data to Gear #1 and manually restored original Wordpress files in Gear #2 under ~/app-root/runtime/repo. The app is running fine now with everything in place.
However, when I try to raise the max number of scalable PHP5 gears from 1 to 2, the app stopped working and showing only the default gear landing page, just like what an empty gear would show. Setting maximum scalable gears back to 1 then the app would work again.
Is it true that the Wordpress files (or any other PHP or web files under ~/app-root/runtime/repo) must be checked in with Git in Gear #2, in order for scaling up to Gear #3+ to work properly? If so, is there anyway I can check-in the files that I already have in Gear #2 from within itself? If not, how can I check-in the set of files that I already have from the old Wordpress install?
Thank you for your help in advance!
Cheers, KC