After a lot of reading I was able to understand the steps needed to load a texture in OpenGL ES 2.0, but some question are still not answered:
What's the code below is actually doing?
glUniform1i(sampler2DLocation, 0);
If I erase this line from my code, nothing changes. Some books describe it as "Tell the texture uniform sampler to use this texture in the shader by telling it to read from texture unit 0"
This is called after the line:
But as stated in the default active texture is GL_TEXTURE0, so I guess the line "glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);" code is just written as a good practice?
One last thing, when I call:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, genTextures[0]);
I'm saying that future calls that affect "GL_TEXTURE_2D" will affect the texture unit stored in genTextures[0], due the binding. But there is any relation between "GL_TEXTURE_2D" and the active texture unit? I mean, there is an intrinsic chain between the 03 "components"?
genTextures[0] <---> GL_TEXTURE_2D <---> the active texture unit
Thank you,