
I have developed a feature using sharepont 2010, feature Scope is "Web", feature Deployment Target is "WebApplication"(Deployement Target has been set throw Package->Advanced->Add->Add Assembly from Project Output->Deployment Target as "WebApplication).

In this feature using "SPWebConfigModification" class updating web.config file.

My concern is below:

1)After deploying it should go to particular "web" since its a "WebApplication" deployemnt but this feature is availabe in all the web apllication in the server, even though if we go to Central Admin->System Setting->Manage Farm solution, we can see this .wsp file has been deployed to particular web application not Globally Deployed. I think this looks strange. My requirement is, the feature should be available in one web application not in all web application. Can somebody point me out pls whats wrong in this or how can we do this?


1 Answers


This has to do with the property ActivateOnDefault in the feature manifest file, this property ONLY applies to features scoped at Farm and Web Application levels. Any feature (Farm or WebApplication) with that setting set to True will automatically activate on all web applications when you deploy the WSP solution. This property is set to true by default.

Read more about it here:
