i have create an for this works,you can try this...
Step1:Create config.xml under app/code/local/Amit/AutoCurrency/etc/config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
In store.php is app/code/local/Amit/AutoCurrency/Model/Store.php
class Amit_AutoCurrency_Model_Store extends Mage_Core_Model_Store
* Update default store currency code
* @return string
public function getDefaultCurrencyCode()
$result = $this->getConfig(Mage_Directory_Model_Currency::XML_PATH_CURRENCY_DEFAULT);
return $this->getCurrencyCodeByIp($result);
* Get Currency code by IP Address
* @return string
public function getCurrencyCodeByIp($result = '')
// load GeoIP binary data file
$geoIp = Mage::helper('autocurrency')->loadGeoIp();
$ipAddress = Mage::helper('autocurrency')->getIpAddress();
// get country code from ip address
$countryCode = geoip_country_code_by_addr($geoIp, $ipAddress);
if($countryCode == '') {
return $result;
// get currency code from country code
$currencyCode = geoip_currency_code_by_country_code($geoIp, $countryCode);
// close the geo database
// if currencyCode is not present in allowedCurrencies
// then return the default currency code
$allowedCurrencies = Mage::getModel('directory/currency')->getConfigAllowCurrencies();
if(!in_array($currencyCode, $allowedCurrencies)) {
return "GBP";
return $result;
return "GBP";
return $currencyCode;
And help function is app/code/local/Amit/AutoCurrency/Helper/Data.php
class Amit_AutoCurrency_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
* Load GeoIP binary data file
* @return string
public function loadGeoIp()
// Load geoip.inc
// Open Geo IP binary data file
$geoIp = geoip_open(Mage::getBaseDir().'/var/geoip/GeoIP.dat',GEOIP_STANDARD);
return $geoIp;
* Get IP Address
* @return string
public function getIpAddress()
//return "";
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Download geoip files goes to
I hope it will be work for you