
My locally installed SVN repository was relocated & is no longer available at the previous location. Infact the previous path is even no longer valid.

I tried to move the working directory in Netbeans this way:

Project Name-> Subversion-> Working Copy-> Relocate...

But I believe due to previous path no longer valid it does not allow to me relocate the repository for this working copy. (When I try to submit the relocate repository dialog in netbeans, the submit button just does not work)

How do I relocate the repository for my working copy ? Other ways ?


3 Answers


Trying to invoke Relocate command in Netbeans IDE 8.2 I had error: "svn: E155019: Cannot relocate '..../trunk' as it is not the root of a working copy" I run the Relocate command using the TortoiseSvn client and it did the job.


Lets try to complete this task using command-line client, run the command svn relocate <URL>. Does it work? If it does not, then what does it say in the output?

If it works, then it's interesting what actions you perform in Netbeans. What errors do you get?


Delete the .svn folder in the project folder, close the project, restarted IDE, re open project, and import to new repo.