I have had a small issue with my EC2 email capabilities. While I am able to send emails from ec2 to my Yahoo Mail account, Gmail stopped receiving my EC2 emails as of 23 hours ago (ie, 23 hours ago, I could do the following and it would work.
mail("[email protected]", $subject, $message, $headers).
The code I use to send mail from my EC2 server is shown below. I checked all my spam box, filters, etc. in Gmail and have not seen any mail sent to my Gmail. In order to isolate the problem, I sent redirected all the messages sent from my EC2 from my Gmail to my Yahoo. And EC2 does successfully send emails to my Yahoo Mail account, with the modified code hilighted in orange below
I use this email feature on my website (www.JethroChan.com/contact.php) to allow people to use my form to send me emails directly from my website. My Gmail is the sole reciever of these emails from my Website's contact form.
//send email
$subject = $_REQUEST['subject'] ;
$headers = $_REQUEST['headers'] ;
$message = $_REQUEST['message'] ;
mail("[email protected] (this was @gmail.com to a Valid Gmail account earlier)", $subject, $message, $headers);
//echo "Email Sent!";
Please help me see why only Yahoo, and Not Google is capable of receiving my EC2 emails as of today :D