I am struggling to enable the major upgrade functionality in WiX.
I want every new version of the installer to be a major upgrade (full uninstall, then new install) as we don't want different upgrade and clean install versions.
I started off trying to do it using the tag stuff, but I kept getting "Another version is installed." error message when I run the installer.
So I implemented the new tag that was added in V3.5 to make upgrades easier. I was still getting the error message.
I then read somewhere that you need to change the Id GUID for each new version. So I set Id="*" to get WiX to generate them.
Now when I install the newer version it doesn't uninstall the older version, and you end up with two installations to the same folder. I worked this out because running either MSI (new or old) would bring up the repair/remove screen.
Also the program was not overwritten with the new version.
Here is the start of my WiX script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Product Id="*"
Manufacturer="Foo Bar Ltd."
Comments="This installer database contains the logic and data required to install Foo."
Compressed="yes" />
<!-- Remove older versions -->
<!-- Important note: MSI ignores the last version digit 1.0.0.? when comparing versions, so always change at least the 3rd digit for new external releases-->
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="The version currently installed is newer than the version you are attempting to install."/>