
First step - I am appending number of <img> tag in to specific div [Adding depends window width] see code here

function imgAdding() {
  for (var i = 0; i < ($(window).width()/100) -1  ; i++) {
    var $wrap = $('<img src="" width="100px" alt="" />');

Second step- Then adding different src path on each img tag [ ex: pic-1.gif , pic-2.gif , pic-3.gif ]

//img name adding
function hexImgName () { 
   var count = 0;
   $("img").each(function(i) {
      var imgSRC = 'img/hex/pic-'+(count)+'.gif'
      $(this).attr('src',imgSRC );
      count = parseInt  (count) + 1 

Working fine last two steps

my problem here 

Third step -I have only ten images in my img folder [pic-1.gif , pic-2.gif , .... last pic pic-10.gif ] , If there 15 img tag in html so last 5 img src path should fail -

my question

How can i find failed Image Error path via jQuery ? How can i randomly assign different src paths to our error images ?
Working area
Demo on full page

Thanks Friends

refer this question stackoverflow.com/questions/3646914/… this might help youSohil Desai
check this answer this would be helpful stackoverflow.com/questions/92720/…Sohil Desai
I dont know how to fix it bro @SohilDesai Please dont close this questionShibinRagh

3 Answers


Fiddle Demo

Fiddle Full Screen Result View

Don't add images that don't exits

var DummyImg = 'https://www.google.co.in/images/srpr/logo11w.png';
function hexImgName() {
    $("img").each(function (i) {
        if (i <= 10) { //check images count here if it's less than equal to 10
            var imgSRC = 'http://toobler.com/staging/design/plicks-landing/testpath/pic-' + i + '.gif'
            $(this).attr('src', imgSRC); //than add new src
        } else {
            $(this).attr('src', DummyImg); //if not add any other image

If you want to check on error

Read jQuery/JavaScript to replace broken images

Update after OP's comment

Fiddle Demo

Fiddle Full Screen Result View

var maxImg = 10; 
function hexImgName() {
    var imgSRC = '';
    $("img").each(function (i) {
        if (i <= maxImg) { //check images count here if it's less than equal to maxImg 
            imgSRC = 'http://toobler.com/staging/design/plicks-landing/testpath/pic-' + i + '.gif';
        } else {
            var randomImg = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxImg) + 1; //generate a random number from 0 to 10
            imgSRC = 'http://toobler.com/staging/design/plicks-landing/testpath/pic-' + randomImg + '.gif'; //make random image from  random number
        $(this).attr('src', imgSRC);
function hexImgName () { 
   var count = 0;
   $("img").each(function(i) {
      var imgSRC = 'img/hex/pic-'+(count)+'.gif'
      $(this).attr('src',imgSRC );
      count = parseInt  (count) + 1 

Simple and good solution. You could simply use jQuery to select images that generate en error by using on('error', function).

    // remove not found images
    $('img').on('error', function(){
        // change src attribute for img which generate error
        // OR do somrthing else for example remove div that wraps the img (with the img)
