
I can't seem to get a form-triggered script to run right. To be precise, it runs, and I can do some things, but I can't access the form data that is supposed to be sent to the event handler function.

I've got a very simple script triggered by a Google Sheet form:

function OnFormSubmit(e)
  try {
    var timeStamp = e.namedValues["Timestamp"][0];
    MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, "SCRIPT ENTRY", timeStamp); 
  } catch (x) {
    var message = x.toString() + "\n[" + Utilities.jsonStringify(e) + "]\n"
    MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, "SCRIPT ERROR", message); 

I've also got a very simple form with just one item. I've got the trigger set up. The form runs and adds a line to the spreadsheet. I get email, so the script is triggering. However I get the SCRIPT ERROR email. The message is:

TypeError: Cannot read property "Timestamp" from undefined.

The "Timestamp" does indeed exist in the Form Response sheet (as I believe it always will; Timestamp is an automatic entry).

It seems that OnFormSubmit() is not being passed the parameter I think it's supposed to get passed. But all the examples I see work like this.

Any help?


1 Answers


It seems that you are using a script in a form (as can be seen from the value in object e) and not from within a spreadsheet.

You should be using the forResponse class documented here, you'll see that methods are completely different, I'm not going to reproduce the doc here but for example the time stamp comes using getTimestamp().