I'm creating a variable called result in the following sample data which shows a 'W' if a bet was a win and 'L' if it was a loss.
How can I concatenate this variable with itself on a row by row basis in strict order by timestamp for each username?
input str16 username str40 betdate winnings
player1 "12NOV2008:19:04:01" -10
player1 "12NOV2008:12:03:44" 50
player2 "07NOV2008:14:03:33" -50
player2 "05NOV2008:09:00:00" -100
generate double timestamp=clock(betdate,"DMY hms")
format timestamp %tc
cap drop result
generate result = "L"
replace result = "W" if (winnings >0)
cap drop resulthistory
generate resulthistory = ""
replace resulthistory = concat(resulthisory + result), by(USERNAME timestamp)