I'm adding a photo to form to display for each user with other info of that user. I created a tabbed form, on page one I select a user and press a button that runs the following code:
Private Sub Command106_Click()
Dim qry_rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim qry_db As Database
Set qry_db = CurrentDb
SQLString = "SELECT [Clients Info].* FROM [Clients Info] WHERE ((([Clients Info].Info_Client)='" & [Forms]![Form-1]![Combo13_PageOne_Name] & "'));"
Set qry_rs = qry_db.OpenRecordset(SQLString)
Forms![Form-1].[Info_Member].Value = qry_rs![Info_Member]
Forms![Form-1].[Info_Tower].Value = qry_rs![Info_ID]
End Sub
I tried using the same way that I set the values of that textboxes in setting an image control value
Forms![Form-1].[Info_Picture].Value = qry_rs![Info_UserIDPhoto]
But it's not working, can anyone help? I receive this message:
Run time error 2465: Microsoft Office Access can't find the field "|" referred to in your expression
I'm using Office 2007, on Windows 7