
I'm trying to modify MyProvider.php which comes with vtiger crm for my sms provider. My sms provider url s as follows http://sms.valueleaf.com/sms/user/urlsms.php?username=abc&pass=xyz&senderid=12345&message=hi how are you&dest_mobileno=91988000000&response=Y

But the program I wrote is not working. As i'm not a php developer i'm struggling. can anyone please have a look and help me.

I have edited as below,But I think there are some syntax errors are also there.

#vim ValueLeaf.php
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../ISMSProvider.php';
include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Net/Client.php';

class ValueLeaf implements ISMSProvider {

private $_username;
private $_password;
private $_parameters = array();

const SERVICE_URI = 'sms.valueleaf.com';

**//I added senderid and response to array to include in the url.**
private static $REQUIRED_PARAMETERS = array('senderid','response');

function __construct() {

public function setAuthParameters($username, $password) {
$this->_username = $username;
$this->_password = $password;

public function setParameter($key, $value) {
$this->_parameters[$key] = $value;

public function getParameter($key, $defvalue = false) {
if(isset($this->_parameters[$key])) {
return $this->_parameters[$key];
return $defvalue;
public function getRequiredParams() {

public function getServiceURL($type = false) {
if($type) {
switch(strtoupper($type)) {

**//As I dont use authentication i commented it.**
case self::SERVICE_AUTH: return self::SERVICE_URI; // . '/http/auth';
case self::SERVICE_SEND: return self::SERVICE_URI . '/sms/user/urllongsms.php';
case self::SERVICE_QUERY: return self::SERVICE_URI . '/sms/user/responce.php';

return false;

protected function prepareParameters() {
**//extended to get and set the additional parameters**
$params = array('username' => $this->_username, 'pass' => $this->_password, 'senderid' => $this->senderid,'response'=> $this->response);
//$params = array();
foreach (self::$REQUIRED_PARAMETERS as $key) {
$params[$key] = $this->getParameter($key);
return $params;

**//Here I'm little confused.Actually in the actual file its $tonumbers. But in the http api its like dest_mobileno=91988000000. I dont know where to change it.**
public function send($message, $tonumbers) {
if(!is_array($tonumbers)) {
$tonumbers = array($tonumbers);

$params = $this->prepareParameters();
$params['text'] = $message;
$params['to'] = implode(',', $tonumbers);

$serviceURL = $this->getServiceURL(self::SERVICE_SEND);
$httpClient = new Vtiger_Net_Client($serviceURL);
$response = $httpClient->doPost($params);

$responseLines = split("\n", $response);

$results = array();
foreach($responseLines as $responseLine) {

$responseLine = trim($responseLine);
if(empty($responseLine)) continue;

$result = array( 'error' => false, 'statusmessage' => '' );
if(preg_match("/ERR:(.*)/", trim($responseLine), $matches)) {
$result['error'] = true;
$result['to'] = $tonumbers[$i++];
$result['statusmessage'] = $matches[0]; // Complete error message
} else if(preg_match("/ID: ([^ ]+)TO:(.*)/", $responseLine, $matches)) {
$result['id'] = trim($matches[1]);
$result['to'] = trim($matches[2]);
$result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING;

} else if(preg_match("/ID: (.*)/", $responseLine, $matches)) {
$result['id'] = trim($matches[1]);
$result['to'] = $tonumbers[0];
$result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING;
$results[] = $result;
return $results;

**//I'm not checking the query fucntion now. First thing is to send and recieve.**
public function query($messageid) {

//$params = $this->prepareParameters();
$params['workingkey'] = $REQUIRED_PARAMETERS('workingkey');
$params['messageid'] = $messageid;

$serviceURL = $this->getServiceURL(self::SERVICE_QUERY);
$httpClient = new Vtiger_Net_Client($serviceURL);
$response = $httpClient->doPost($params);

$response = trim($response);

$result = array( 'error' => false, 'needlookup' => 1 );

if(preg_match("/ERR: (.*)/", $response, $matches)) {
$result['error'] = true;
$result['needlookup'] = 0;
$result['statusmessage'] = $matches[0];

} else if(preg_match("/ID: ([^ ]+) Status: ([^ ]+)/", $response, $matches)) {
$result['id'] = trim($matches[1]);
$status = trim($matches[2]);

// Capture the status code as message by default.
$result['statusmessage'] = "CODE: $status";

if($status === '1') {
$result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING;
} else if($status === '2') {
$result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_DISPATCHED;
$result['needlookup'] = 0;

return $result;

I was editing the code and checking. Still I'm not able to get any result. I have given the printf to get the final url which goes to the sms provider. But not getting. Any idea where I have to give the right printf to get the final details?

Updated code: 1. sms.php

 * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
 * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
 * All Rights Reserved.
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../ISMSProvider.php';
include_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Net/Client.php';

class sms implements ISMSProvider {

    private $_username;
    private $_password;
    private $_parameters = array();

    const SERVICE_URI = 'http://sms.valueleaf.com';
    private static $REQUIRED_PARAMETERS = array('senderid','response');
    function __construct() {        

    public function setAuthParameters($username, $password) {
        $this->_username = $username;
        $this->_password = $password;

    public function setParameter($key, $value) {
        $this->_parameters[$key] = $value;

    public function getParameter($key, $defvalue = false)  {
        if(isset($this->_parameters[$key])) {
            return $this->_parameters[$key];
        return $defvalue;

    public function getRequiredParams() {
        return self::$REQUIRED_PARAMETERS;

    public function getServiceURL($type = false) {      
        if($type) {
            switch(strtoupper($type)) {

                case self::SERVICE_AUTH: return  self::SERVICE_URI; // . '/http/auth';
                case self::SERVICE_SEND: return  self::SERVICE_URI . '/sms/user/urllongsms.php?';
                case self::SERVICE_QUERY: return self::SERVICE_URI . '/sms/user/responce.php?';

        return false;

    protected function prepareParameters() {
        $params = array('username' => $this->_username, 'pass' => $this->_password);
        //$params = array();
        foreach (self::$REQUIRED_PARAMETERS as $key) {
            $params[$key] = $this->getParameter($key);
        return $params;

        //$file0 = fopen("test0.txt","w");
                //echo fprintf($file0,"came before send");
    public function send($message, $tonumbers) {
        if(!is_array($tonumbers)) {
            $tonumbers = array($tonumbers);

        $params = $this->prepareParameters();
        //$params['text'] = $message;
        $params['message'] = $message;
        //$params['to'] = implode(',', $tonumbers);
        $params['dest_mobileno'] = implode(',', $tonumbers);

        $serviceURL = $this->getServiceURL(self::SERVICE_SEND);     
        $file = fopen("test.txt","w");
        echo fprintf($file,"url is %s.",$serviceURL);
        $httpClient = new Vtiger_Net_Client($serviceURL);
        $file1 = fopen("test1.txt","w");
        $response = $httpClient->doPost($params);       

        foreach (self::$REQUIRED_PARAMETERS as $key) {
            echo fprintf($file1,"String %s value is %s.",$key,$params[$key]);
        echo fprintf($file1,"Message is: %s",$message);
        echo fprintf($file1,"dest_mobileno is: %s",$tonumbers[0]);
        echo fprintf($file1,"Response is %s.",$response);
        $responseLines = split("\n", $response);        

        $results = array();
        foreach($responseLines as $responseLine) {

            $responseLine = trim($responseLine);            
            if(empty($responseLine)) continue;

            $result = array( 'error' => false, 'statusmessage' => '' );
            if(preg_match("/ERR:(.*)/", trim($responseLine), $matches)) {
                $result['error'] = true; 
                $result['to'] = $tonumbers[$i++];
                $result['statusmessage'] = $matches[0]; // Complete error message
            } else if(preg_match("/ID: ([^ ]+)TO:(.*)/", $responseLine, $matches)) {
                $result['id'] = trim($matches[1]);
                $result['to'] = trim($matches[2]);
                $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING;

            } else if(preg_match("/ID: (.*)/", $responseLine, $matches)) {
                $result['id'] = trim($matches[1]);
                $result['to'] = $tonumbers[0];
                $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING;
            $results[] = $result;
        return $results;

    public function query($messageid) {

        //$params = $this->prepareParameters();
//      $params['workingkey'] = $REQUIRED_PARAMETERS('workingkey');
        $params['messageid'] = $messageid;

        $serviceURL = $this->getServiceURL(self::SERVICE_QUERY);
        $httpClient = new Vtiger_Net_Client($serviceURL);
        $response = $httpClient->doPost($params);

        $response = trim($response);

        $result = array( 'error' => false, 'needlookup' => 1 );

        if(preg_match("/ERR: (.*)/", $response, $matches)) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['needlookup'] = 0;
            $result['statusmessage'] = $matches[0];

        } else if(preg_match("/ID: ([^ ]+) Status: ([^ ]+)/", $response, $matches)) {
            $result['id'] = trim($matches[1]);
            $status = trim($matches[2]);

            // Capture the status code as message by default.
            $result['statusmessage'] = "CODE: $status";

            if($status === '1') {
                $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING;
            } else if($status === '2') {
                $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_DISPATCHED;
                $result['needlookup'] = 0;

        return $result;

  1. ISMSProvider.php


    • The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
    • ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
    • The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
    • The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
    • Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
    • All Rights Reserved. ************************************************/ interface ISMSProvider {

      const MSG_STATUS_DISPATCHED = "Dispatched"; const MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING = "Processing"; const MSG_STATUS_DELIVERED = "Delivered"; const MSG_STATUS_FAILED = "Failed"; const MSG_STATUS_ERROR = "ERR: ";



      • Get required parameters other than (username, password) */ public function getRequiredParams();


      • Get service URL to use for a given type *
      • @param String $type like SEND, PING, QUERY */ public function getServiceURL($type = false);


      • Set authentication parameters *
      • @param String $username
      • @param String $password */ public function setAuthParameters($username, $password);


      • Set non-auth parameter. *
      • @param String $key
      • @param String $value */ public function setParameter($key, $value);


      • Handle SMS Send operation *
      • @param String $message
      • @param mixed $tonumbers One or Array of numbers */ public function send($message, $tonumbers);


      • Query for status using messgae id *
      • @param String $messageid */ public function query($messageid);


  2. Client.php


    • The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
    • ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
    • The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
    • The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
    • Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
    • All Rights Reserved. *************************************************/ include 'vtlib/thirdparty/network/Request.php';


    • Provides API to work with HTTP Connection.
    • @package vtlib */ class Vtiger_Net_Client { var $client; var $url; var $response;


      • Constructor
      • @param String URL of the site
      • Example:
      • $client = new Vtiger_New_Client('http://www.vtiger.com'); */ function __construct($url) { $this->setURL($url); }


      • Set another url for this instance
      • @param String URL to use go forward */ function setURL($url) { $this->url = $url; $this->client = new HTTP_Request(); $this->response = false; }


      • Set custom HTTP Headers
      • @param Map HTTP Header and Value Pairs */ function setHeaders($values) { foreach($values as $key=>$value) { $this->client->addHeader($key, $value); } }


      • Perform a GET request
      • @param Map key-value pair or false
      • @param Integer timeout value */ function doGet($params=false, $timeout=null) { if($timeout) $this->client->_timeout = $timeout; $this->client->setURL($this->url); $this->client->setMethod(HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET);

        if($params) { foreach($params as $key=>$value) $this->client->addQueryString($key, $value); } $this->response = $this->client->sendRequest();

        $content = false; if(!$this->wasError()) { $content = $this->client->getResponseBody(); } $this->disconnect(); return $content; }


      • Perform a POST request
      • @param Map key-value pair or false
      • @param Integer timeout value */ function doPost($params=false, $timeout=null) { if($timeout) $this->client->_timeout = $timeout; $this->client->setURL($this->url); $this->client->setMethod(HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_POST);

        if($params) { if(is_string($params)) $this->client->addRawPostData($params); else { foreach($params as $key=>$value) $this->client->addPostData($key, $value); } } $this->response = $this->client->sendRequest();

        $content = false; if(!$this->wasError()) { $content = $this->client->getResponseBody(); } $this->disconnect();

        return $content; }


      • Did last request resulted in error? */ function wasError() { return PEAR::isError($this->response); }


      • Disconnect this instance */ function disconnect() { $this->client->disconnect(); } }

Can anyone guild me with this. SMS is not at all going. Outputs in test printfs:

[root@ providers]# cat /var/www/html/vtigercrm/test.txt
url is http://sms.valueleaf.com/sms/user/urllongsms.php?.

[root@ providers]# cat /var/www/html/vtigercrm/test1.txt
String senderid value is 066645.String response value is Y.Message is: Vtiger test on 8.57dest_mobileno is: ArrayResponse is


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Any kind of help will be appreciated. :(

Can you elaborate on what is not working? Do you get any error messages? The syntax looks incorrect, did you mean to add emphasis with the **?Jonas Schäfer
Nothing is working. I think some syntax error is there. If it is correct, when I go to smsnotifier module in vtigercrm it will let me add the new provider and its details. As there is error when I click for add new, nothing is coming.Randeep
with ** I was trying to make the lines bold in here.Randeep
Without an error message, it will be very difficult to help you. Try to find it, it is likely to be found in the HTTP server logs.Jonas Schäfer
I have given the following in php.ini error_reporting = E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE but no errors are coming in error_logRandeep

1 Answers


There is no syntax error in your code. Here is a working script, you can just modify according to your sms provider and configure it.

    private $username;
    private $password;
    private $parameters = array();

    const SERVICE_URI = 'https://trans.springedge.com/api/';

    private static $REQUIRED_PARAMETERS = array(
        array('name' => 'apikey', 'label' => 'API Key', 'type' => 'text'),
        array('name' => 'sender', 'label' => 'Sender ID', 'type' => 'text'),
        array('name' => 'unicode', 'label' => 'Character Set', 'type' => 'picklist', 'picklistvalues' => array('1' => 'Unicode', '0' => 'GSM', 'auto' => 'Auto Detect'))

    public function getName() {
        return 'SpringEdge';

    public function setAuthParameters($username, $password) {
        $this->username = $username;
        $this->password = $password;

    public function setParameter($key, $value) {
        $this->parameters[$key] = $value;

    public function getParameter($key, $defaultvalue = false) {
        if (isset($this->parameters[$key])) {
            return $this->parameters[$key];
        return $defaultvalue;

    public function getRequiredParams() {
        return self::$REQUIRED_PARAMETERS;

    public function getServiceURL($type = false) {
        if ($type) {
            switch (strtoupper($type)) {
                case self::SERVICE_SEND : return self::SERVICE_URI . '/web/send/';
                case self::SERVICE_QUERY : return self::SERVICE_URI . '/status/message/';
        return false;

    protected function prepareParameters() {
        foreach (self::$REQUIRED_PARAMETERS as $requiredParam) {
            $paramName = $requiredParam['name'];
            $params[$paramName] = $this->getParameter($paramName);
        $params['format'] = 'json';
        return $params;

    public function send($message, $tonumbers) {
        if (!is_array($tonumbers)) {
            $tonumbers = array($tonumbers);
        foreach ($tonumbers as $i => $tonumber) {
            $tonumbers[$i] = str_replace(array('(', ')', ' ', '-'), '', $tonumber);

        $params = $this->prepareParameters();
        $params['message'] = $message;
        $params['to'] = implode(',', $tonumbers);

        $serviceURL = $this->getServiceURL(self::SERVICE_SEND);
        $httpClient = new Vtiger_Net_Client($serviceURL);
        $response = $httpClient->doGet($params);
        $rows = json_decode($response, true);

        $numbers = explode(',', $params['to']);
        $results = array();
        $i = 0;

        if ($rows['status'] != 'OK') {
            foreach ($numbers as $number) {
                $result = array();
                $result['to'] = $number;
                $result['error'] = true;
                $result['statusmessage'] = $rows['message'];
                $result['id'] = $rows['data'][$i++]['id'];
                $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_ERROR;
                $results[] = $result;
            foreach ($rows['data'] as $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $result = array();
                    $result['error'] = false;
                    $result['to'] = $value['mobile'];
                    $result['id'] = $value['id'];
                    $result['statusmessage'] = $rows['message'];
                    $result['status'] = $this->checkstatus($value['status']);
                    $results[] = $result;
        return $results;

    public function checkstatus($status) {
        if ($status == 'AWAITED-DLR') {
            $result = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING;
        } elseif ($status == 'DELIVRD') {
            $result = self::MSG_STATUS_DELIVERED;
        } else {
            $result = self::MSG_STATUS_FAILED;
        return $result;

    public function query($messageid) {
        $params = $this->prepareParameters();
        $params['messageid'] = $messageid;
        $serviceURL = $this->getServiceURL(self::SERVICE_QUERY);
        $httpClient = new Vtiger_Net_Client($serviceURL);
        $response = $httpClient->doGet($params);
        $rows = json_decode($response, true);
        $result = array();
        if ($rows['status'] != 'OK') {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_ERROR;
            $result['needlookup'] = 1;
            $result['statusmessage'] = $rows['message'];
        } else {
            $result['error'] = false;
            $result['status'] = $this->checkstatus($rows['data']['0']['status']);
            $result['needlookup'] = 0;
            $result['statusmessage'] = $rows['message'];
        return $result;

    function getProviderEditFieldTemplateName() {
        return 'BaseProviderEditFields.tpl';

Save above code as sms_provider_name.php in /modules/SMSNotifier/providers to use.