I downloaded the QT 5.2 build for MingW/OpenGL build and installed it. When I run QTCreator and try to create a project, I can't set it up because there is no kit available to choose from. I have MingW installed, so I tried to point QT to this installation, but there is qmake as well missing. I'm not sure if the manual configuration of the compiler would suffice to have a kit to choose from, but that would be my expectation.
So the question is, how do I setup QT properly that it recognizes my MingW installation and how do I get qmake to continue with QT? After downloading a 600MB package I would have expected that it works out of the box.
OS is Windows 7 and my MingW uses gcc 4.8 so it should be the same version that QT brings in it's package as well.
. And then I have a kit which uses this Qt version in Kits tab. – hyde