I am having a hard time trying to implement click handling in a simple isometric Sprite Kit game.
I have a Game Scene (SKScene) with a Map (SKNode) containing multiple Tile objects (SKSpriteNode).
Here is a screenshot of the map :
I want to be able to detect the tile the user clicked on, so I implemented mouseDown on the Tile object. Here is my mouseDown in Tile.m :
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self setColorBlendFactor:0.5];
The code seems to work fine but there is a glitch : the nodes overlap and the click event is detected on the transparent part of the node. Example (the rects have been added to illustrate the problem only. They are not used in the logic) :
As you can see, if I click on the top left corner of the tile 7, the tile 8 becomes transparent.
I tried something like getting all the nodes at click location and checking if click is inside a CGPath without success (I think there was something wrong in the coordinates).
So my question here is how to detect the click only on the texture and not on the transparent part? Or maybe my approach of the problem is wrong?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Edit : for anyone interested in the solution I finally used, see my answer here