
In TFS 2013, for every work item (product backlog item, bug etc.) a task has to be created. So every time a bug is created or a backlog item is added, at least one additional linked task needs to be created.

This makes it quite cumbersome to maintain the system. Is there a way to just create one work item that goes from the backlog to being developed to being tested without having to create additional tasks?

Maybe this could be done via a different process template? I’ve tried both scrum and agile build in templates from Microsoft.

It doesn't make sense. Why do you have to create a linked task to every work item? This is certainly not the default behavior. Have you applied custom plugins? – KMoraz
Be more explicit: I see something bugs you, but it is not clear. – Giulio Vian
What I mean is that a work item needs to have at least one task associated with it. I.e. If I create a bug then the bug item cannot be assigned and put in an iteration without creating a corresponding task. Only that task can then be moved through the various phases i.e. In progress, done etc. How to make it so a task is not needed for this i.e. just creating the bug can be moved through various phases? – Marcel Toth

1 Answers


There is a new article on MSDN that addresses this, at least for bugs. It shows how to make bugs act as tasks in TFS. You could theoretically expand it for any work item (although I'm not sure this is advisable).