I'm writing a kernel driver, which should read (and in some cases, also write) some memory addresses in kernel session space (win32k.sys). I've read in another topic that for example in Windbg I should change the context to a random user process to read the memory of kernel session space (with .process /p). How can I do that in a kernel driver? Should I create a user process which communicate with the driver (that's my idea now, but I hope that there is a better solution) or there is a more simple solution for this?
3 Answers
Session space are not mapped in system address space (that drivers share, if not attached to any process). Those why you getting BSOD while accessing win32k.
You need to be attached to EPROCESS via KeStackAttachProcess to perform this operation. You can get session id with ZwQueryInformationProcess(ProcessSessionInformation) function.