
I am just starting to learn Ruby and Watir/Watir-Webdriver. I started a job that already has working Watir test scripts. However, I need to use Water-Webdriver for the new web applications

My question is: What is needed to convert these scripts to a Webdriver version? Or is it so much work that it is better to start from scratch? Any references to docs that help with this would also be greatly appreciated.


2 Answers


It's pretty hard to answer that question without having a good look at all your code. However, I can say that it won't be a long, involved process. Just install the watir-webdriver gem, then change

require 'watir'


require 'watir-webdriver'

and fix any issues, if there are any (and there may not be).


WAtir only supports IE browser where as watir-webdriver supports all the browsers. It is an extension of the Selenium webdriver. Also most of the methods in the Watir are supported in watir-webdriver,but you may need to check the rubydocs for more on those