I am having a problem/ question with my Google spreadsheet. Scripts run fine when I execute them in the spreadsheet, but when I share the sheet with people within my domain, the full script does not execute.
The script is suppose to run when a value is change in the column N, then prompts "Do you want to send this email". If yes, email is sent.
Now when I share the spreadsheet with edit rights to my other colleagues. They can open the spreadsheet, change the value, and receive the script prompt "Do you want to send this email". They click yes but nothing happens. No email is sent. When a email is sent, they are suppose to receive a toast prompt at the bottom right of the spreadsheet. This does not pop-up either.
How do allow others to be able execute the script when the spreadsheet is shared? Could it be something in the code? Any ideas, help, or code correction would be appreciated.
Here is the spreadsheet for testing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag8NytPhOo00dEt6OUFNSlRUUFEwWmVuNm5RbVZPNHc&usp=sharing
Edit 2
Hi Serge, I saw the edits you made to the script. but the issue still occurring with my colleagues. We went in and authorize the scripts in the spreadsheet. Set-up the triggers and save it.
When they changed the value in column N. The confirmation box appears, click yes and nothing happens. I am able to complete the script with all my other gmail accounts outside of the company's domain. Could it have anything to do with the company's domain or restrictions set by the administrator on the domain or executing shared scripts?
[email protected] Execution transcript and Logging output
Logging output
[14-03-21 02:08:00:906 EDT] sendEmailNotifications2()
[14-03-21 02:08:01:572 EDT] getName: Active Discs
[14-03-21 02:08:01:573 EDT] columnStart: 14
[14-03-21 02:08:01:573 EDT] e.value: In Progress
[14-03-21 02:08:01:573 EDT] In Progress
See below Execution transcript
[14-03-20 23:30:19:494 EDT] SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:495 EDT] Range.getRow() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:495 EDT] Range.getLastRow() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:495 EDT] Range.getColumn() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:495 EDT] Range.getLastColumn() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:502 EDT] Session.getActiveUser() [0.006 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:502 EDT] User.getEmail() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:502 EDT] SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:649 EDT] Starting execution
[14-03-20 23:30:19:661 EDT] Session.getEffectiveUser() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:662 EDT] Logger.log([sendEmailNotifications2(), []]) [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:662 EDT] Spreadsheet.getActiveSheet() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:674 EDT] SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:19:945 EDT] Sheet.getName() [0.271 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:340 EDT] Sheet.getName() [0.394 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:340 EDT] Logger.log([getName: Active Discs, []]) [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:340 EDT] Logger.log([columnStart: 14, []]) [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:341 EDT] Logger.log([e.value: In Progress, []]) [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:341 EDT] Logger.log([In Progress, []]) [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:346 EDT] Browser.msgBox([Colombo Team Email, Email will be sent to the Venue Colombo Team. Do you want to sent this email?, YES_NO]) [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:451 EDT] Browser.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:530 EDT] CacheService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:531 EDT] CalendarApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:532 EDT] Charts.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:534 EDT] ContactsApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:535 EDT] ContentService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:536 EDT] DocsList.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:537 EDT] DocumentApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:540 EDT] DriveApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:541 EDT] FinanceApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:542 EDT] FormApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:544 EDT] GmailApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:545 EDT] GroupsApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:547 EDT] GroupsManager.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:548 EDT] HtmlService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:549 EDT] Jdbc.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:551 EDT] LanguageApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:551 EDT] LinearOptimizationService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:552 EDT] LockService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:553 EDT] Logger.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:559 EDT] MailApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:560 EDT] Maps.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:561 EDT] NicknameManager.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:561 EDT] PropertiesService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:562 EDT] ScriptApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:564 EDT] ScriptDb.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:565 EDT] ScriptProperties.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:565 EDT] Session.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:566 EDT] SitesApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:567 EDT] SoapService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:568 EDT] SpreadsheetApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:570 EDT] UiApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:573 EDT] UrlFetchApp.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:574 EDT] UserManager.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:574 EDT] UserProperties.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:575 EDT] Utilities.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:576 EDT] Xml.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:576 EDT] XmlService.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:579 EDT] User.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:580 EDT] Spreadsheet.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:580 EDT] Range.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:580 EDT] Range.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:581 EDT] User.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:581 EDT] User.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:581 EDT] Sheet.hashCode() [0 seconds]
[14-03-20 23:30:20:581 EDT] Spreadsheet.hashCode() [0 seconds]