We have an extjs application where the structure we laid out doesn't exactly match the structure Sencha recommends. In our structure we don't have an app.js but we do have a js where we mention the autoload and launch function, example as below along with the folder structure.
What we are looking is to minify all the JS files in admin folder and create one JS to be used in production, we tried looking at the Sencha CMD but of no luck. Can some one please point us for the exact steps for minifying our application for production use.
enabled: true,
paths: {
'Admin': '../../script/js/ace/admin',
'Ext.ux': '../../script/js/ext4/ux'
name: 'Admin',
appFolder: '../../script/js/ace/admin',
launch: function()
var me = this;
Ext.create('Admin.view.Administration', {
renderTo: 'contentPanel'
We tried Cmd by generating JSB3 file, I know its deprecated in 4.2.1 but with the structure we have we felt that was the only option. we tried the below command, but no jsb3 file got generated
sencha build admin.jsb3 <path to the admin js folder>
Thanks in advance, any pointers are really appreciated.
I posted this in Sencha forum, but I am expecting a much simpler option then they have provided.
we have multiple apps, and in most cases we try to use the js from other app folders. For example in the below image we have utilities and admin apps, from utilities app we use SourceStore and the autoloader is defined as below to access the required
enabled: true,
paths: {
'Admin': '../../script/js/ace/admin',
'Utilities': '../../script/js/ace/utilities',
'Ext.ux': '../../script/js/ext4/ux'