I have created an XPage with the following: Started by creating a custom layout control using the Application Layout. I aded the layout control to the xpage and then dropped in a Dynamic Content Control. I configured the control as follows:
<xe:dynamicContent id="dynamicContent1" defaultFacet="GovernanceReviews"
<xc:ccViewDocumentTemplates xp:key="DocumentTemplates"></xc:ccViewDocumentTemplates>
<xc:ccViewGovProcurementReviews xp:key="GovProcurementReviews"></xc:ccViewGovProcurementReviews>
<xc:ccViewGovRevReporting xp:key="GovRevReporting"></xc:ccViewGovRevReporting>
<xc:ccViewGovRevWOCompleted xp:key="GovRevWOCompleted"></xc:ccViewGovRevWOCompleted>
<xc:ccViewGovernanceReviews xp:key="GovernanceReviews"></xc:ccViewGovernanceReviews>
<xc:ccViewProfilesByType xp:key="ProfilesByType"></xc:ccViewProfilesByType>
<xc:ccViewProfilesWithTargetCompl xp:key="ProfilesWithTargetCompl"></xc:ccViewProfilesWithTargetCompl>
<xc:ccViewLastUpdated xp:key="LastUpdated"></xc:ccViewLastUpdated>
<xc:ccViewUserGuide xp:key="UserGuide"></xc:ccViewUserGuide>
<xc:ccViewTracking xp:key="Tracking"></xc:ccViewTracking>
Then I dropped in a navigator control in the left column and created BasicLeafNodes to correspond to the dynamic content control I used the href property and used the #content="" to display the correct content.
This works just fine, but I am having problems figuring out how to make the selections in the navigator highlight when they are selected. I know I need to compute the Selectd property,but I can't figure out how to get the xp:key value so I can compare it to the SubmitValue. I know this is probably something simple, but I can't figure it out.
Can someone please enlighten me.
ADDED 03/26/2014 - I have a feeling that it has something to do with Using the href property of the Dynamic Content Control to perform the content switching. I know that makes the BasicLeafNodes Links. So, not sure how the Navigator records which link is being executed and how to capture that.