Hi all,
Environment : VS express 2013 for web, project template : hot towel angular (1.2), entity-framework ado .net 6, sql server 2012, Breeze.WebApi2, Breeze.ContextProvider.EF6.
In my little webApp angular - breeze, strange things are happening. I have a little function in the web site that is adding Missions in the database. It's working correctly.
To do that I have a controller.
The controller has been generated automaticakly, on controller's folder > add a controller, I choose the 2nd type of controller to have Breeze Web API Controller. The code generated :
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostMission(Mission mission)
mission.UserId = 1;
mission.RoleId = 1;
mission.LibelleMission = mission.LibelleMission.Replace("\n", "<br/>");
mission.Projet = mission.Projet.Replace("\n", "<br/>");
mission.EnvironnementTechnique = mission.EnvironnementTechnique.Replace("\n", "<br/>");
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = mission.MissionId }, mission);
catch (Exception e)
return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = mission.MissionId }, mission);
The missions are correctly inserted in data base.
The primary key of the mission in Data Base is MissionId, it's an int, identity, starting from 1 and incremented of 1.
I have in the table these values :
MissionId ClientId UserId
1 28 1
2 28 1
3 2 1
4 28 1
5 5 1
6 9 1
7 6 1
1006 6 1
1007 10 1
1008 10 1
2006 11 1
2007 32 1
2008 6 1
2009 17 1
2010 6 1
2011 12 1
2012 2 1
2013 8 1
2014 6 1
2015 5 1
2016 11 1
2017 15 1
2018 7 1
2019 10 1
3016 6 1
4016 13 1
4017 18 1
4018 7 1
4019 16 1
4020 2 1
4021 4 1
4022 3 1
As you can see, the MissionId's are not (always) consecutives, spending from 7 to 1006, or from 1008 to 2006.
Have you any idea of this strange behavior ? To correct this ?
Thanx for your help.