
Is there any Method which could determine if user has access to document, meaning, user (or user group) exists in any of the Readers or Authors fields?


  1. we have User1
  2. we have NotesDocument in DB with docUNID, which has Readers/Authors fields, but User1 (and any of his groups) are not present in these fields.

User1 performs var doc = database.getDocumentByUNID(docUNID). Method getDocumentByUNID returns valid doc, but any Method like doc.getItemValueString() – returns empty values.

I see only manual method of deciding if user has access to document - take value of some standard field, like “form”, and if the value isEmpty() == true – user does not have access to the document.

doc.getItemValueString(“form”).isEmpty() == true – user has no access to document.

Does this answer work with readers fields too? Try it out. stackoverflow.com/a/21854399/785061Per Henrik Lausten
Use doc.getUniversalID(). It should be empty if the user has no access to the document.Sven Hasselbach
Per, yes, I saw that topic (BTW: also really useful method), but under Anonymous there are some issues with rights, I think...AndrewG10i
Sven, thanks, yes, agree, checking doc.getUniversalID() for emptiness is more universal.AndrewG10i
@SvenHasselbach - move that to an answer, so you get the recognition of Andrews acceptancestwissel

1 Answers


Use doc.getUniversalID(). It should be empty if the user has no access to the document.