can somebody help me, how we can calculate the new positions of keypoints in the transformed image,the keypoints were detected in original image. I am using opencv homography matrix and warpPerspective to make the transformed image.
Here is a code..
std::vector< Point2f > points1,points2;
for( int i = 0; i < matches1.size(); i++ )
points1.push_back( keypoints_input1[matches1[i].queryIdx ].pt );
points2.push_back( keypoints_input2[matches1[i].trainIdx ].pt );
/* Find the Homography Matrix for current and next frame*/
Mat H1 = findHomography( points2, points1, CV_RANSAC );
/* Use the Homography Matrix to warp the images*/
cv::Mat result1;
warpPerspective(input2, result1, H1, Size(input2.cols+150, input2.rows+150),
Now I want to calculate the new positions of points2 in the result1 image.
For example in the below transformed image , we know the corner points. Now I want to calculate the new position of the keypoints say before transformation {(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)...}, How we can calculate it?
Update: opencv 'perspectiveTransform' does what I trying to do.