I'm writting a GUI wich uses OpenGL via the OpenTK and the GLControl on C# and i'm trying to use dirty rectangles for drawing only the controls that need to be drawed. Obviusly it's not wise to redraw an entire maximized form just for refreshing a mouse-hover button.
My first attempt was to use glScissors but this doesn't limit the SwapBuffers, wich in my platform, I suspect (because of the performance almost entirely dependent on the window size) doesn't 'swap' but do a full copy of the back buffer onto the front buffer.
The second attempt was the glAddSwapHintRectWIN wich in theory would limit the swapped (in this case copied) area of the SwapBuffers, but this is only a hint and it doesn't do anything at all.
The third attempt was the glDrawBuffer to copy a part of the back buffer onto the frame buffer, for some unknown reason, even when i copy only a part of the buffer, the performance still decreases the same way before when the window size increase.
It seams that a full-area refresh it's still hapening no matter what i do.
So i'm trying to use the glReadPixels () and somehow get a pointer to draw directly onto a hDC pixel data getted from the CreateGraphics() of the control. Is this possible?
I think something is wrong with the GLControl, why the performance of this code depends on the screen size, i'm not doing any swapbuffers or clearing, just drawing a constant-size triangle on the front buffer:A driver problem, maybe?
Vector4 Color;
Color = new Vector4((float)R.NextDouble(), 0, 0, 0.3F);
GL.Color4(Color.X, Color.Y, Color.Z, Color.W);
GL.Vertex3(50, 50, 0);
GL.Vertex3(150F, 50F, 0F);
GL.Vertex3(50F, 150F, 0F);
EDIT 2 This solutions are not viable: Drawing onto a texture and using glGetTexImage for drawing onto a GDI bitmap and then drawing that bitmap onto the window hDC
Reading buffer pixels from the buffer using glReadPixels onto a GDI bitmap and then drawing that bitmap onto the window hDC.
Splitting the window onto a grid of viewports and updating only the cells that contains the dirty rectangle
return? – The Fiddler