I work with Couchbase DB and I want to index part of its data on Elastic Search (ES). The data from Couchbase should be synced, i.e. if the document on CB changes, it should change the document on ES. I have several questions about what is the best way to do it:
- What is the best way to sync the data ? I saw that there is a CB plugin for ES (http://www.couchbase.com/couchbase-server/connectors/elasticsearch), but it that the recommended way ?
- I don't want to store all the CB document on ES, but only part of it, e.g. some of the fields I want to store and some not - how can I do it ?
- My documents may have different attributes and the difference may be big (e.g. 50 different attributes/fields). Assuming I want to index all these attributes to ES, will it effect the performance because I have a lot of fields indexed ?