Trying to get a journal entry to save in QBO UK using TaxCodeRef but keep getting the same error message back. I have set the TaxApplicableOn correctly. I did a query of a manually entered journal entry and it shows the element TaxAmount however I don't know this value at runtime. How can I get a journal entry to save when setting a TaxCodeRef?
Here's my XML request and response.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<outgoing><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<JournalEntry xmlns:ns2="" xmlns="">
<Desc>Credit Sales</Desc>
<Desc>Debit Accounts Receivable</Desc>
<returns><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<IntuitResponse xmlns="" time="2014-03-17T07:21:39.545-07:00">
<Fault type="ValidationFault">
<Error code="2270" element="TaxApplicableOn">
<Message>TaxApplicableon missing or invalid</Message>
<Detail>TaxApplicableOn null is required and valid values are Credit or Debit</Detail>
<Error code="2270" element="TaxApplicableOn">
<Message>TaxApplicableon missing or invalid</Message>
<Detail>TaxApplicableOn null is required and valid values are Credit or Debit</Detail>