
I am using a velleman K8048 pic program board with PIC16F628. I have programmed before using .asm with this board/ chip a few years ago successfully.

This time, I want to learn to program using C. I have installed MPLAB X IDE v2.05. I understand about a main program and the need to have #include files. But this is where I hit a small problem!

I wanted to try the "blinky" example from MPLAB, just to verify compiler and hardware are ok (I checked hardware using PicProg2 and it works ok).

I cant seem to find the include header files for PIC16F628? I presume these set the conditions for term usage about pins etc to be used in main file. I have looked at MPLAB site and didn't find anything, and searched my C drive but still did not find anything?

I do find the include files for .asm for the PIC16F628. Stupid question but is that the same file I need for using C?

EDIT TO ADD: It's ok, i found them. When in the main .c edit page, if i type #include <, then after the < i get a whole list of header files .h i can use. It's just a question of me picking the right one(s).

Hello and welcome to Stack Overflow. It is perfectly fine to ask beginner questions here. Since this is a very straight-forward Q&A site (rather than an internet forum), please refrain from posting things like signatures, personal background etc that are not related to the actual question. I have edited the question to fix this, and also added the embedded tag, which will give your question much more attention from the right kind of people (embedded systems programmers).Lundin
Ah, ok. Thanks Lundin.user3428848

1 Answers


The location on disc should be:
