
I am recompling a project using Borland C++ Builder 6 and LMD tool 2010. The recompile process failed due to linker error. The message was: "[Linker Fatal error] Fatal unable to open file LMDOneInstance.OBJ"

I searched the whole hard drive, but could not find any reference to LMDOneInstance.OBJ

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. David

I suspect it is this component vendor: lmdinnovative.comDavid Dean

2 Answers


LMDOneInstance.Obj is an object code file generated a source file called LMDOneInstance.Cpp or a combined list of sources that make up the compiled object code. It could be an object file lying in a lib directory....

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.


Another good tactic is to look for

#pragma link "LMDOneInstance"

in your source code.

But tommieb's suggestion is also correct, look for LMDOneInstance.LIB and make sure it's path is in your library path or add the lib file to your project.