
I am working on a single page application and there are anchor tags in one of my page. while clicking on any anchor tag, i wrote my logic to execute.It is of the form,

$( "a" ).on( "click", function( e ) {

    // My LOGIC CODE  Here to change Window's Location.


It is getting executed fine for all my links which are of type (Ex: a href="/page1" ) except for one anchor tag which is using knockout binding.This anchor tag is of form ( a href="/page1" data-bind="click:myFunction" )

My problem is by clicking that anchor tag MyFunction() is called first and then it is executing the event my event handler and thus is not working properly.

Instead i want to execute my event handler first and then the function(Knockout's Click Binding).

Please provide a solution. THANKS IN ADVANCE .


2 Answers


Use the source, Luke. ;)

In the function that creates event handlers (like for the click binding), there is this part:

if (handlerReturnValue !== true) {
    // Normally we want to prevent default action. 
    // Developer can override this be explicitly returning true.
    if (event.preventDefault)
        event.returnValue = false;

Just return true from your myFunction.


Alternatively you may return true on your data-binding like this:

<a href="page1" data-bind="click: function () { myFunction(); return true;}">