Trying to adapt this example given here
Getting Error
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile time constant void.
var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
listenerObject.metadataReceived = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
trace("canSeekToEnd is " + rmys01.metadata.canSeekToEnd);
trace("Number of cue points is " + rmys01.metadata.cuePoints.length);
trace("Frame rate is " + rmys01.metadata.framerate);
trace("Height is " + rmys01.metadata.height);
trace("Width is " + rmys01.metadata.width);
trace("Duration is " + rmys01.metadata.duration + " seconds");
rmys01.addEventListener("metadataReceived", listenerObject);
rmys01.contentPath = "rhym01.flv";
var vidsiz:TextField = new TextField();
vidsiz.text = "Video Size " + (rmys01.metadata.width) + " by " + (rmys01.metadata.height);
vidsiz.width = 550;
vidsiz.height = 700;
vidsiz.x = 450;
vidsiz.y = 300;
im trying the read the actual Dimension of the flv video file.