
So I am learning Prolog. I need to write a predicate that finds the min/max value of an integer list. For example, the query minmaxArray([4,-1,5,4,1,2,3,-2],X,Y) would return X = -2 Y = 5. Here is what I have so far:

    %min/max element of a 1 item list is that item.

    minmaxArray([X], X, X).

%when there is only 2 items, put the smaller element in A and the 
%larger element in B

    minmaxArray([X,Y], A, B) :- mymin(X,Y,Min), 
    A is Min, mymax(X,Y,Max), B is Max.

%when there is more than two items make a recursive call to find the min/max
%of the rest of the list.

    minmaxArray([X,Y|T], A, B) :- minmaxArray([Y|T], M, K), 
    mymin(X,M,Temp), A is Temp, mymax(X,K,Temp2), B is Temp2.

Assume mymin and mymax predicates work properly. They return the min and max of 2 numbers.

The issue here is that for example when I query minmaxArray([4,-1,5],X,Y) it returns X = -1 Y = 5 and then again X = -1 Y = 5. I know this must be because it hits the 2nd condition on the recursive call. I only want it to return X = -1 Y = 5 one time. I tried replacing condition 3 with this:

minmaxArray([X,Y,_|T], A, B) :- minmaxArray([Y,_|T], M, K), 
    mymin(X,M,Temp), A is Temp, mymax(X,K,Temp2), B is Temp2.

but that crashes the program. What can I do to fix this?

Note: I know that I may not be using the terminology correctly by saying returning and saying predicate when it should be rule, etc so I apologize in advance.

You don't need is/2 at all--you're not doing any arithmetic. You can just say minmaxArray([X,Y], Min, Max) :- mymin(X,Y,Min), mymax(X,Y,Max).Daniel Lyons
You can use min(X,Y) built in as, Min is min(X,Y) to obtain the minimum of two values. Likewise for max. That might make your life a little simpler. And to build on @DanielLyons comment, don't use is to unify terms. Use =/2. So for example, B = Temp2, not B is Temp2. Also as pointed out, you can avoid that step altogether by unifying them right in the argument list, as his example shows.lurker
Ok, so I am totally new to this and this may be a stupid question but what is =/2 and when you say not to use is and use = instead, is that because 'is' is used when you want to evaluate an arithmetic operation? Thanks!Rob L
The notation predicate/N is the name of the predicate with the arity (number of arguments). =/2 is = and is/2 is is (that's easy to read!). You use =/2 when you want to explicitly unify two terms and you use is/2 when you want to unify the variable or value on the left side with the result of evaluating the arithmetic expression on the right side.Daniel Lyons
By the way, "predicate" is correct nomenclature, but "return" is not. Moreover, you're not crashing the program, it's just failing.Daniel Lyons

3 Answers


Seems that your code could be simpler. This predicate does all what's needed, and attempt to show how to use some standard construct (if/then/else)

minmaxArray([X], X, X).
minmaxArray([X|R], Min, Max) :-
    minmaxArray(R, Tmin, Tmax),
    ( X < Tmin -> Min = X ; Min = Tmin ), % or mymin(X,Tmin,Min)
    ( X > Tmax -> Max = X ; Max = Tmax ).

You have provided 2 ways of solving the case where there are 2 items: one explicitly for 2 items, and your general case, which then employs the 1 element case.

Solution: remove the unneeded 2-element case.


Or, tail-recursive:

minmax([X|Xs],Min,Max) :- % we can only find the min/max of a non-empty list.
  minmax(Xs,(X,X),Min,Max)  % invoke the helper with the min/max accumulators seeded with the first item

minmax([],(Min,Max),Min,Max).    % when the source list is exhausted, we're done: unify the accumulators with the result
minmax([X|Xs],(M,N),Min,Max) :-  % when the source list is non-empty
  min(X,M,M1) ,                  % - get a new min value for the accumulator
  max(X,N,N1) ,                  % - get a new max value for the accumulator
  minmax(Xs,(M1,N1),Min,Max)     % - recurse down on the tail.

min(X,Y,X) :- X =< Y . % X is the min if it's less than or equal to Y.
min(X,Y,Y) :- X >  Y . % Y is the min if it's greater than X.

max(X,Y,X) :- X >= Y . % X is the max if it's greater than or equal to Y.
max(X,Y,Y) :- X <  Y . % Y is the max if it's greater than X.