We have logs that log an event to a single file. Each log entry looks something like this:
<UserName>IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0</UserName>
<TimeStamp>02/28/2014 13:54:17</TimeStamp>
<CreatedOn>02/28/2014 13:54:22</CreatedOn>
<ExceptionObject />
<RenderedMessage>"7a0d464d-556c-4d47-820f-0cf01322e54c" - "GET https://myapi.com/booking" - API-"Response":
When we import these logs into Splunk, the log entry is split up incorrectly into 3 parts e.g.
<UserName>IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0</UserName>
<CreatedOn>02/28/2014 02:57:55</CreatedOn>
<ExceptionObject />
<RenderedMessage>"66d8cdda-ff62-480a-b7d2-ec175b151e5f" - "POST https://myapi.com/booking" - API-"Response":
"Bad Request"</RenderedMessage>
<TimeStamp>02/28/2014 02:57:29</TimeStamp>
How can I configure Splunk to see these as a single log event?