I have smartcard usb readers ( ACR38 and ACR38 CCID ). I have some C# code that works to connect, send apdu commands perfectly with winscard.dll ((SCardEstablishContext, SCardConnect, SCardControl methods).
I need to do this with java, and I use javax.smartcardio api, with some code similar to this: PCSC sample in java
The reader and inserted card are detected ok, but there is a delay (15-20 seconds) when I try to connect. This delay only appears when card is inserted first time. If I extract-insert same card there is no delay. If I extract card and insert another one, delayed again. I can't connect the first 15-20 seconds, with java program running or not.
When reader/card is connected, I can send apdu commands perfectly.
Otherwise with C# and winscard.dll api, there is not delay.
I test with win7, win8, ACR38 reader, ACR38 CCID reader...
Why I have this delay?