
I've run into this problem on two separate instances now but they are both the same problem. First here are my models for one instance of the problem:


Minicron.Host = DS.Model.extend({
  hostname: DS.attr('string'),
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  created_at: DS.attr('date'),

  jobs: DS.hasMany('job')


Minicron.Job = DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  command: DS.attr('string'),
  created_at: DS.attr('date'),

  host: DS.belongsTo('host')

The JSON my job model receives:

      "name":"uname -a",
      "command":"uname -a",

and the JSON by host model receives is:

          "name":"uname -a",
          "command":"uname -a",

The problem I'm having is when my host model is loaded the job model's host relationship seems to be overwritten. I presume this is because in the JSON each job a host has has the host_id param and ember is replacing the existing data it knows about that host with basically nothing. My API is a Sinatra app using activerecord and activemodel to serialize my models as JSON so I don't really have an easy way to remove the host_id from the response.

It's also worth noting I'm using the custom serializer here http://mozmonkey.com/2013/12/loading-json-with-embedded-records-into-ember-data-1-0-0-beta/, I couldn't get Ember to recognise my sideloaded data without it.

I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now and I'm all out of ideas :(

Let me know if you have any questions and if it helps the full source for my app is on GitHub https://github.com/jamesrwhite/minicron/tree/master/lib/minicron/hub



1 Answers


You could add the Active Model Serializers gem to your Sinatra app and remove host_id from the response:

class JobSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer 

  attributes :created_at, :started_at, :finished_at, :exit_status
