I have a UIView which has two subviews, one is a UIScrollView and the other is a container view for a few other subviews. The container view is covering the scroll view completely.
Views that need to handle gestures:
- UIScrollView - should handle the default pinch and pan gestures
- Container view - none
- Container view subviews - should handle tap gesture
Now in order for the tap gestures to be handled by the container view subviews I implemented pointInside:withEvent: for the container view. If it recognises the point is inside one of its subviews it returns YES. This works fine. The problem is that when I pinch or pan and my finger initially touches one of the container view subviews it doesn't work. When I pinch or pan on an empty area of the container view it works as it should.
Any suggestions how to make it work?
I've implemented hitTest:withEvent: for the main view and got the same behavior.
- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UIView *hitTestView;
for (UIView *subview in [self.subviews reverseObjectEnumerator])
hitTestView = [subview hitTest:[self convertPoint:point
if (hitTestView && ![hitTestView isKindOfClass:[ContainerView class]])
return hitTestView;
On the bottom line the question here is how does one view only handles some gestures and passes on other gestures so an underlying view could handle them.
I've read quite a lot about the subject and tried different approaches but couldn't find a straightforward solution to what seems like a pretty common issue.