
I am using spring security for my spring multitenant application. I am using spring security 3.2

I am using spring security for my spring multitenant application. My requirement is tenant1 should be authorized against oauth and tenant2 should be authorized against ldap and tenant3 should be authorized against database. I will be knowing the authorization method for the tenant through properties file. I am able to authorize user against any single authorization method. But i am not able to configure for multiple authorization methods. Please someone give any suggestions on this.

have you got any solution on this?Kamini
Yes. But we had to use different url's for each tenant. eg: tenant1.domain.com, tenant2.domain.com @KaminiRaghavendra

1 Answers


In case of web application, you can use different login URLs and allow user to choose authentication method. Then separate security filters should be applied for each URL. You can check this configuration: https://code.google.com/p/opendatakit/source/browse/eclipse-aggregate-gae/war/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml?repo=aggregate