
There was a wonderful package called Compline for Sublime Text 2, which allowed completing whole lines, similar to variable/word autocompletion. I doesn't work in ST3*, so I'm looking for alternatives.

From Compline's README:

Full line completion known from VIM as ctrl+x, ctrl+l shortcut

Simply begin to write a line, press the shortcut (default it ctrl+,) and Sublime will let you chose similar lines to complete.

Edit: *by "doesn't work" I mean it can be installed, but the actual line completion never happens. The possible list of completions is visible, but selecting one "does nothing". The error message in the console is:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/karel/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Compline/Compline.py", line 35, in foo
      self.view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(begin, self.view.sel()[i].end()), matches[index])
    File "/opt/sublime_text/sublime.py", line 657, in replace
      raise ValueError("Edit objects may not be used after the TextCommand's run method has returned")
  ValueError: Edit objects may not be used after the TextCommand's run method has returned

Edit2: uploaded screenshots

have you tested it in ST3? Looking at the source, I don't see anything that wouldn't work with Python 3.MattDMo
Yes I have tried this before. Updated my Q with the error output.the_karel

1 Answers



OK, I was wrong, it really does bug out for me too. So I did fix it:


You can pull the working version from my fork while the author of the package is reviewing the request: https://github.com/vlakarados/Compline