I need to provide a WebView with content from a locally stored zip file.
I use the NavigateToLocalStreamUri()method and supply my own extended UriResolver in the same way as the Example found on the windows library link to NavigateToLocalStreamUri() .
However, debugging fails rather spectacularly as the "NTLSUri" method does not recognize the type of the stream and tries to cast it. Does anyone know how to correctly provide a Stream from a zipped archive element to a WebView?
Here are the details:
This is my own customised GetContent() method to provide a stream to the archive element rather than a normal.
private async Task<IInputStream> GetNormalZipEntryStream(String archivePath)
StorageFolder current = await Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("bookTest");
bookSourceFile = await current.GetItemAsync("testBook.zip") as StorageFile;
if (archivePath.ElementAt(0) == '/') archivePath = archivePath.Remove(0, 1);
Stream bookZipStream = await bookSourceFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync();
ZipArchive bookArchive = new ZipArchive(bookZipStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read);
ZipArchiveEntry bookContentFile = bookArchive.GetEntry(archivePath);
if (bookContentFile == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid archive entry");
IInputStream stream = bookContentFile.Open().AsInputStream();
return stream;
catch (Exception ex)
var streamConvErr = ex.Message;
return null;
Now, everything works fine, I'm able to successfully get a stream to the archive element. I've also confirmed that the ArchiveElement.Open() method does indeed return a stream with "uncompressed" content.
The problem is that - behind the scenes - the NAvigateToStreamUri() method is unable to accept the IInput stream returned by bookContentFile.Open().AsInputStream().
It causes a break in the debugger at the following code section:
UnhandledException += (sender, e) =>
if (global::System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) global::System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
With e (the exception) stating "Invalid Cast Operation" at this point.
Also note that, during debugging, at the point where AsInputStream() is called, stream's type is not as one would expect: of type IInputStream, rather it is of type System.IO.NetFxToWinRtStreamAdapter.InputStream
Expanding the object further sees the non public member "ManagedStream" as type System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream
I assume there are ways of using DataReader to convert the stream to a memory stream and then converting back to IInputstream, but this seems counter-intuitive as the provided AsInpuSream() method should work as expected.