I wonder how I can build inputs and re-use them in the same reactive function in which I created them.
For example in this data frame the 1st column is a numeric input and the last column should be the sum of the entire line.
The problem is that they are created in the same reactive function and then if I change an input value the reactive function will be re executed and all the table regenerated ... I tried to isolate row.sum
but it doesn't works. I totaly don't know how to do this.
If someone can help me ..
Here is an example :
ui = basicPage(
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$table <- renderTable({
mat <- matrix(c(54, 8, 26, 77, 87, 59, 92, 27, 63, 86, 18, 100, 74, 45, 46), nrow = 5, ncol = 3)
input1 <- paste0("<input id='a", 1:nrow(mat), "' class='shiny-bound-input' type='number' value=1 style='width: 50px;'>")
row.sum <- unlist(sapply(1:nrow(mat), function(i) input[[sprintf("a%d", i)]] + sum(mat[i,])))
cbind(input1, mat, row.sum)
}, sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)
Thank you for any help !
[Note that I unlist
the sapply function because the first time it's used, the numeric inputs haven't been created yet, they are all equals to NULL and then sapply returns a list of numeric(0)
which can't fit into a data frame]