
My impression of one of the big benefits of Owin is that it makes it easy to run different web frameworks side-by-side without IIS's IHttpHandler. (This would be huge for distributing vertical functionality slices as nuget features.)

However every tutorial and article I find talks of things like self-host and a single framework. This is not what I'm interested in, I'm interested in running mvc, nancy, web api, maybe even webforms in the same application.

Am I wrong about OWIN enabling this? Say I want

  • Mvc to handle most requests
  • Webforms to handle requests which have a version=legacy header
  • Nancy to handle requests to /Nancy/...

How would I configure my Startup class to enable this?

In theory what you suggest should be possible, but in practice there are few standards that allow these pieces from different authors to work together. I am building OWIN.Framework NuGet that addresses this, but it's at a fairly early stage.bikeman868

1 Answers


Although the use case sounds a bit absurd, you're absolutely right that OWIN enables this. You can compose your pipeline in all kinds of crazy ways.

Straight Pipeline

A typical "straight" pipeline would look something like this:

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UseWebApi(new MyHttpConfiguration());

This will work as follows (given you're hosting on http://localhost/)

  • WebAPI - http://localhost/api/* (default routing)
  • SignalR - http://localhost/signalr (default route)
  • Nancy - http://localhost/* (will handle everything else)

Branched Pipeline

You can also create branches in your pipeline:

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UseWebApi(new MyHttpConfiguration());

        app.Map("/newSite", site =>

This will work as follows (given you're hosting on http://localhost/)

  • WebAPI - http://localhost/api/* (default routing)
  • SignalR - http://localhost/newSite/signalr (default route)
  • Nancy - http://localhost/newSite/* (will handle everything else)