
how to i pass variables from a controller to a view (tpl) file in OpenCart?

i have coded a custom module so i need to pass the the returned status to the view.

below is a part of my controller where i load the tpl (its a huge function, i have copied only the required block)

$message = '';

if (isset($_POST['server_response'])) {
$message .= 'Server Says= ' . $_POST['server_response'] . "\n";

if (isset($_POST['output'])) {
$message .= 'Output= ' . $_POST['output'] . "\n";

    $this->data['msg'] = $message;

$this->data['continue'] = $this->url->link('checkout/success');

                if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/payment/success.tpl')) {
                    $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/payment/success.tpl';
                } else {
                    $this->template = 'default/template/payment/success.tpl';

                $this->children = array(  


in my success.tpl when i echo $msg it says:

Notice: Undefined variable: msg in C:\wamp\www\site\catalog\view\theme\hype\template\payment\success.tpl on line 16

can someone tell how can i pass the $msg variable from the controller to the tpl?


3 Answers


This should work.

Try setting the variable outside of any of your if statements to a default value eg.

$this->data['msg'] = 'test';

To make sure that it's not any of the other logic such as the


that is faulty.

At the moment you just set $message outside the if statement.

When the if statement doesn't evaluate to true $this->data['msg'] will never get set.


You can use for open cart 1.4x and 1.5x

$this->data['variableName'] = 'value';

but for latest open cart version 2.0x things are changed. Now you can use

$data['variableName'] = 'value';

How to work with controller variables and various other details can be found in this answer here. You basically use

$this->data['msg'] = 'your value';

in the controller, which gets extracted to $msg in the template file

You should also note that using $_POST instead of the framework's proper method of $this->request->post is frowned upon and should be changed accordingly